LEED, Parksmart, and several other ratings systems and regulatory green requirements guide sustainable parking system design.
LEED Certification
The LEED rating system was created by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED is the most widely used certification system for sustainable building design. LEED awards points for meeting standards in the categories of sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality.

“LEED certified buildings save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier places for people. They are a critical part of addressing climate change and meeting ESG goals, enhancing resilience, and supporting more equitable communities,” states USGBC’s website.
Parksmart is the world’s only rating system designed to advance sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation. Parksmart advances sustainability for parking structures through reduced operational costs, increased energy efficiency, and better lighting and ventilation. Parksmart complements LEED and both are administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI).
Sustainable Parking
High-density parking systems meet many of these sustainable strategies. Automated and stacked parking systems park more cars in less space, shrinking parking footprints and improving building and project flows. Construction costs, schedules and operational overheads are reduced through the implementation of high-density parking systems, which also improve building safety, security and, ultimately, sustainability. All of these benefits contribute to a maximized return on investment, further incentivizing the adoption of automated and stacked parking systems.
This content is part of The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)-accredited course, Introduction to High-Density Parking Systems. Take the course online or register for/request one of our webinars to learn more and earn continuing education points.